From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

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Agile marketing for product marketers

Agile marketing for product marketers

From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

Agile marketing for product marketers

- Agile marketing is the cherry on top of the sundae that is a strong product marketing strategy. If your product marketing go to market is a machine, then using the agile marketing methodology is a way to make sure the machine is well oiled and firing on all cylinders. Companies like IBM preach agile marketing across its entire organization. Agile is just like product management sprint and scrum cycles because it's modeled after both. The objective is to increase the efficiency and quality of large projects by dissecting them into actionable, easily iterable pieces. The core tenets include dividing the large project into one or two-week sprints which starts with a planning meeting, then roll directly into daily 10-minute stand-ups to eliminate blockers and promote collaboration. The end of each sprint has a showcase to walk through completed work and a retrospective to discuss what did and did not work well. For example, when launching Lyft Line, the product marketing team must have…
