From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

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Competitive positioning

Competitive positioning

- Chances are that you use one ride sharing service more than others, even though the product features and pricing of these apps are nearly identical. So what drives you to use one over the others? If done well, the product marketers have broken down marketing messaging all the way down to the very specific thing you care about most. They've made you believe that their service is better than others. An absolutely important part of product marketing is understanding your business, product, and service's place in the market. One way to achieve this insight is through the lens of competitive positioning, which is your relationship to all of your competitors. Competitive positioning is the backbone of product marketing messaging and go-to-market strategies because it determines the way you need to differentiate your product and marketing to your personas, where you should message those personas, and when to message them. It should be well researched to make sure your marketing campaigns…
