From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

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Determining market opportunities

Determining market opportunities

From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

Determining market opportunities

- Conducting research for research sake isn't enough. Research is the fuel for the fire that's a go-to-market strategy, however, it's ineffective without proper interpretation. Drawing valuable insights from research is an important skill for any product marketer. Sometimes product marketers will have help from analysts, user-experience design researchers, and product managers. Other times the product marketer is left to do this work independently. In case you're left stranded, it's important to understand all of the research interpretation that needs to get done, especially to make an awesome go-to-market strategy. The research that should have been conducted to help craft the go-to-market includes user pain points, needs, journey, competition, and values. Together you can find insights for those. All of the research combined will form your amazing marketing personas, which will eventually be used to at least create your marketing targeting and segmentation, channel mix and creative.…
