From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

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Relationship with other researchers

Relationship with other researchers

From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

Relationship with other researchers

- If product and marketing strategies are tapestries, then research is all of the individual components, like the colors and materials. It's what informs the decisions and makes the entire tapestry cohesive. Marketing and product research is an absolutely massive field requiring teams and extensive timelines to complete comprehensive research that helps us make the best decisions A full research plan will inform the business strategy, marketing plans, product roadmap, product designs and much more. Although the entirety of research is massive, each item can be dissected into a variety of components to help make actionable and iterable projects. So who's involved and how does this get done? I'd like to explain this in the form of a traditional project management model called RACI, R-A-C-I, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed. RACI helps us understand roles and responsibilities. At a high level, each element of a project should only have one person who's…
