From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

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Why product marketing needs research

Why product marketing needs research

From the course: Advanced Product Marketing

Why product marketing needs research

- Have you ever pushed a door when it's supposed to be pulled or vice versa? That's an example of bad design. It's an example of a problem that could be solved by simple research techniques like usability, watching the user attempt the intended action. A/B testing, observing the success difference between different types of door handles, or interviews, asking users about the relationship with opening and closing doors. The award winning scientist Donald Nuth famously stated, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil.". Organizations, especially marketing teams often fall into this problem because they often optimize based on the latest marketing campaign performance without establishing a strong foundation of research. This can lead to actual insights that slowly move marketers away from their ultimate objectives and campaign's full performance. Research, when done well, is injected into the product roadmap advertising audience targeting, email segmentation, social media…
