From the course: AI in Business Essential Training

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AI in financial markets

AI in financial markets

- [Instructor] One of the most powerful features of AI is its ability to optimize decision-making very quickly and easily, even on a real-time basis. I'm in the 03_04_Begin Excel sheet. Now this is our basic Robo-advisor that we built and it recommends a portfolio to the investor. And it does that based on a set of data that we provide for the system, our knowledge base in essence, and a set of IF statements based on the investor's preferences, or inference engine. But what if we wanted to go through and optimize this based on some other set of criteria? Well, we could build a pretty basic optimization tool and I've done that as you see, here. Now, in this optimization tool, we've included seven different assets: stocks, small value and non small value; international stocks, small value and non small value; bonds, REITS, and cash. And then I've provided expected returns for these and standard deviations for those particular assets. What we want to do from here is determine what our…
