From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Tweak your track timing like the pros

Tweak your track timing like the pros - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Tweak your track timing like the pros

- [Instructor] Even great players don't always get it right, so there are times when you have to move things around a little just to make sure everything is tight. Here's how to do it. So first of all let's listen to the track, just guitar, base, and drums. ("Pull My Stinger" by SNEW) That sounded pretty good, but the fact of the matter is there are some things that are off there. Listen now just to the drums and bass. (drum and bass music) There are a couple flams there that happened. What we would do normally is we'd go through and we listen, first of all, to the kick in the share and the bass all the way through the song and we'd do any kind of fixes that we'd have to make. So if there are any flams, then we go in and we get rid of those first. We fix them all. And then we do each consecutive instrument as well, usually against the drums. So you listen to the drums and you listen to the instrument and make sure there's no flams. Now there could be a little bit of looseness in the…
