From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Adding your own AutoCAD workspace

Adding your own AutoCAD workspace - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Adding your own AutoCAD workspace

- [Narrator] Welcome to another Tip and Trick for AutoCAD. What we're going to look at today is adding a workspace to your AutoCAD user interface. Now you'll notice we've got a new drawing there for you. It's 01_addingworkspace.dwg, and you can download that from the website to follow along with this particular Tip and Trick video. Now, when you add a workspace to your AutoCAD interface, what you're doing is you're improving your workflow by making sure that the interface has all the features and functionality that you need for your particular task. So if you remember, we had a Tip and Trick where I taught you how to customize the quick access toolbar at the top of the screen. So what I showed what to do is up here. So if I click on this little sort of eject symbol, we clicked on Layer, and you'll notice we've now got the layer pulldown in our quick access toolbar. So what we've done there is we've improved our workflow. It means I can go to any tab on the ribbon, but I can also…
