From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using the ETRANSMIT command

Using the ETRANSMIT command - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using the ETRANSMIT command

- [Narrator] Welcome to another AutoCAD tip and trick for you to use. Now, how many times have you sat in front of AutoCAD and thought to yourself, "I want to send out this drawing "and all the other associated AutoCAD files with it, "things like my CTB files "and perhaps my PC3 files and my fonts "that go with this particular drawing and so on." Now, you can do that in AutoCAD, you can use a thing called e-Transmit. Now, you'll notice I've got a project that I want to go out. It's called a Landscaping Project.dwg file. You can download it from the website and use it to follow along in the video. Now, it is my own personal project. You're actually looking at my backyard and I want to send this out to a landscape architect. The orange line represents the house, the white bold lines are garages, and the gray and the red are paving and decking I want to sort of change around and revamp and make the garden look nice. So, basically I want to get all of this information out to my landscape…
