From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using transparency in AutoCAD drawings

Using transparency in AutoCAD drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using transparency in AutoCAD drawings

- [Teacher] So here we are again in another AutoCAD Tip and Trick from And as usual, we have a new drawing for you, which you can download from your exercise files. And we're going to be looking at the transparency settings that you can utilize in AutoCAD to your advantage. Now, as usual, it's a nice simple drawing, so I can demonstrate the technique without all of the constraints of a really busy construction or mechanical drawing. So we've got some very simple objects in our drawing. We've got a hexagon right here, we've got a rectangle, and we've got a circle, like so. Now, obviously, what I'm going to do here is demonstrate how the transparency tools work really well in AutoCAD so that you can see one object that might be underneath another object, for example. Now you might think to yourself, whenever would I place one object on top of another? When you're hatching. For example, you might put a hatch pattern on top of a solid fill. So what I've done is I've…
