From the course: Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) Cert Prep: Design Data Storage Solutions

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Encryption at rest and in transit on Azure SQL DB and SQL MI

Encryption at rest and in transit on Azure SQL DB and SQL MI - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) Cert Prep: Design Data Storage Solutions

Encryption at rest and in transit on Azure SQL DB and SQL MI

- [Instructor] Data is always the responsibility of the customer in the shared responsibility model between a cloud provider and the customer. By encrypting data at rest and in transit, you can protect the data from access by unauthorized persons. SQL server DB and Azure SQL MI encryption in transit is enforced by default using SSL and TLS. So all data is encrypted between the clients and the server. It is best practice to specify for an encrypted connection in the connect string, so that the application verifies the server certificate. This prevents man in the middle attacks. Switching to the portal, I've already created an Azure SQL database. Clicking on connection strings, you can see how to specify and encrypt a connection by these two settings. Encrypt equals true and trust service certificate equals true. The definition and capitalization changes slightly between these depending on the driver that you use to…
