From the course: Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) Cert Prep: Design Data Storage Solutions

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Features of semistructured data

Features of semistructured data

- [Presenter] As application complexity has advanced, equivalent demands have been placed on data stores to be more flexible and to store data in a format that is ready to be queried and consumed for its use case. This has led to data stores being designed around the features of semi-structured data. Let's look at those features. First, we have key-value stores, which have a simple structure of a key and a value. For a key-value store, keys are unique and used to find the data quickly. The key, as shown on the right, could be anything, a session ID, a MAC address, a name, a date. The values are arbitrary and can bear no relation to each other. Only the application understands what the value contains. It is opaque to the data store. This also means there is no searching on the data. Querying the data only returns the key. Key-value stores are designed to read and write small amounts of data very quickly. Therefore…
