From the course: Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) Cert Prep: Design Data Storage Solutions

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Purchasing models for Azure SQL DB and SQL MI

Purchasing models for Azure SQL DB and SQL MI

- Purchasing models for Azure SQL DB and Azure SQL MI have two main options. Database transaction units. These are a blended mix of compute storage and IO resources, available only on Azure SQL DB. The DTU was the first purchasing option available to those purchasing Azure SQL DB. vCore based is the recommended purchasing model with a vCore representing a logical CPU. vCore based is available for both Azure SQL DB and Azure SQL MI. You can choose the hardware you require, tailoring vCore's memory and storage capacity to the needs of your workload. Switching to the portal, I'm going to create a database for a logical SQL DB server that has already been created. Picking the resource group that has the logical server within it, I'll scroll down and enter a database name, which must be unique (keyboard clicks) and pick the server if it hasn't been selected already. And this is the one that I…
