From the course: Backgrounder: A History of Web Typography

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CSS and web fonts

CSS and web fonts

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Faced with these performance issues of web fonts, a group of web creators and font assigners had an insight. - Ooh - Ooh. - Since web fonts live on the web, a screen-based medium, why not make a font that can be varied across different axis so the designer can choose exactly how heavy, or slanted, or italicized, or tall, or wide, or large the font should be at any one time? (people clapping) A variable font does not provide a set width, or height or weight or slant of a glyph. Instead, it provides formulas for varying these and other properties of the glyph using CSS. So instead of downloading a font file for each weight and style variation, you download one or maybe two files and apply variations to these glyphs using CSS. Variable fonts lets you use CSS to say, this word should be displayed with a font weight of 872, while this other word should be displayed with a font weight of…
