From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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Balanced scorecard overview

Balanced scorecard overview

- The balanced scorecard is a framework for organizing a company's key performance indicators, the KPIs. Now, one way to structure the balanced scorecard is to organize the KPIs into four areas, financial, customers, internal processes, and learning or growth, or employees. Now, please realize that the idea of the balanced scorecard is what's important here. These four categories are not official. They're not mandated, they're not required. This is just one way to structure an organization's KPIs. The balanced scorecard idea is that a company should organize its KPIs into logical categories. For illustration purposes, we'll use the traditional four categories of financial, customers, internal processes, and learning growth, or employees. Now, financial measures are the ones on which accounting has traditionally been focused, return on equity, bottom line net income, debt ratio, and so forth. We've got entire courses on…
