From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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Employee impact of new measurements

Employee impact of new measurements

- Now back to our optometrist office example. As reminder, here's the new mission statement: provide lifetime, high-quality eyecare to individuals and families with an emphasis on courteous, flexible service and respectful disclosure and consultation in terms of options and costs. Well, let's take a moment to determine whether this is a good mission statement. I think it is because it tells us what the optometrist is and is not going to do. Notice the emphasis on quality service and lifetime relationships. This mission statement makes clear that the optometrist is not going to try to compete with the low cost providers, the supermarkets and the online sellers. Instead, the optometrist is going to focus on service and developing long-term relationships with customers. And what does a mission statement have to do with accounting, balanced scorecards, and KPIs? A mission statement defines what actions an organization views as…
