From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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How measurements motivate employees

How measurements motivate employees

- Before we go any further with Key Performance Indicators in the Balanced Scorecard, we need to note an important concept related to performance measurement and human behavior. Here's the principle, simply stated, "You get what you measure," that's it. If you start measuring something, then people will naturally focus on that thing. Here's a nice illustration. In the old Soviet Union, oil drilling teams were placed in competition, one with another, to motivate hard work. The competition rules were set up so that the teams received recognition and compensation based on the number of meters drilled. Interestingly, the award winning team, recognized in the newspaper Pravda, drilled meter after meter but never struck oil. It seems that the clever members of this team realized that the first 100 meters of drilling do not require as much effort and expense as the second, third, and fourth hundred meters. The deeper the oil…
