From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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What is a company mission statement?

What is a company mission statement?

- We have both been visiting faculty members at INSEAD, a premier European business school. - Yes, we have. In fact, we have top courses at both their Fontainebleau campus, not far from Paris, and their Singapore campus. - [Kay] At one of the INSEAD classrooms one day, I noticed the following words in a plaque posted on the wall. Quote, "Our values, diversity as a source of learning and enrichment. We are free from any dominant culture or prevalent dogma. We are open to, and respectful of, other views. We learn through the exchange of ideas and experiences," close quote. - Yes, this is part of INSEAD's mission statement. Now, you and I have both seen lots of mission statements over the years. There's a tendency, I think, for mission statements to be vague. - Exactly. My criterion for evaluating a mission statement is as follows. Does the statement make clear what the organization will not do? - It's very easy…
