From the course: Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators

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When mission statement and KPIs conflict

When mission statement and KPIs conflict

- In addition to measuring the percentage of customers who must wait longer than 15 minutes, the optometrist has now instructed her accountants to track the following for each staff person who does patient consultations, average gross revenue per customer visit, including both the fee for the visit and the billing price for the eyeglasses or contacts ordered. Well, let's consider what problems might be caused by this measure. Remember that the new mission statement contains an emphasis on quality, service, and lifetime relationships. In fact, the mission statement contains this clause, "respectful disclosure and consultation in terms of options and costs." Well, I'm sure that the optometrist will have nice copies of the mission statement, professionally printed, framed, and hung in each of the examination rooms as well as out in the patient waiting room. But how can employees be expected to take this noble mission…
