From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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Developing greater balance in your life

Developing greater balance in your life

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

Developing greater balance in your life

- Thank you for completing this course on developing work-life balance. Throughout the course, I've asked you to stop, ponder, and come up with one action you can take to improve that balance. Now is the time to take those actions. If it seems like too much, just pick one thing and do it this week. Then, maybe once a week, try a new action. Your goal is consistent, steady progress. If you'd like more help with the scheduling aspect of balance, please check out my course on the fundamentals of time management. Also, be sure to follow me on LinkedIn for my weekly tips. Remember, instead of being busy, focus on results. That's what balance is all about. It's about what you're accomplishing and the satisfaction you feel in your life. It's about building the relationships you have with the people who matter most. And it's about making time to have some fun. I believe anyone can be successful, because success is…
