From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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How do I keep balance when I frequently travel for my job?

How do I keep balance when I frequently travel for my job?

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

How do I keep balance when I frequently travel for my job?

- When your career requires a lot of travel, it can introduce a great deal of chaos. As a public speaker, I've felt out of balance many times, and it's natural. One approach is to widen your view from just a daily schedule to a monthly perspective. Rather than using the eight-hour template I suggested earlier in the course, create a time budget for how many days you're willing to be away from home each month. For example, I have a monthly budget that I'm never away from home more than eight days out of each month. You may need more or less than that. I've seen some of my clients have a weekly schedule, where they're gone Monday through Friday but commit to be home and not working on the weekend. Also, try to create systems that keep you feeling grounded. Consider developing the habit of putting things in the same place. So if you're staying at a hotel, placing your belongings in the same place every time. Not only…
