From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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How do I tell others I'm trying to have more balance?

How do I tell others I'm trying to have more balance?

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

How do I tell others I'm trying to have more balance?

- Maybe you've felt out of balance for a while, and you've been allowing people to contact you at all hours of the day. If they're used to that, it can be a big shock to them if you suddenly switch to a new healthier schedule. The first thing to do is to communicate with them. It's natural to approach the conversation from the perspective of how this new schedule will help you, how you'll feel better and be happier. But come at it from a different angle. How will this new, more balanced schedule help them? Why is this change in their interest? This approach will help them see the value of what you're doing. For example, you'll be able to give them more of your time and attention by doing this. Why? Because you'll have a structured meeting time to ask questions when you're not distracted. Because you'll both experience fewer attention switches, they'll feel more valued, the work you do together will improve, and you'll…
