From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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Preparing for vacations

Preparing for vacations

- I had a client joke once that he should take vacations every week because just before he left, he'd work in a flurry of activity to get everything done. And when he came back, he was more rested and got more done. Now he was joking, yet there's some truth to this. Many miss out on the productivity boost from vacation. Sometimes your career presents limitations but often people are afraid vacations will make them less productive. The opposite is true. If you follow a few best practices, first, block out vacation time well in advance, months or even a year ahead of time. Many miss out on a vacation because they procrastinate planning it. They tell themselves, I've got to take a break sometime in the next three months, but there isn't a specific commitment. Block out the time and protect it. Suggestion two, move processing. So if you've taken my time management course you'll know that I recommend spending five…
