From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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Scheduling the unexpected

Scheduling the unexpected

- If you've watched my course on time management fundamentals or read my book "The Myth of Multitasking," you're likely familiar with the idea that attention switching or switch tasking is the number one cause of lost time, mistakes, and stress. But what about unexpected major life switches? These are the big, unexpected moments. Some are positive, such as an upswing in business or a family member getting married, while others are major challenges, such as a tragedy or a loss of a loved one. When my father passed away, it affected everything I did for many months. Unexpected life-altering events can derail your schedule and push you out of balance. Here are a few things you can do to prepare for these switches. First, if something like this happens, simply stop. Pause. Take a moment to take in what's going on. Allow yourself to accept that this is a big event and it's going to have an impact in your life. Second, open…
