From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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Shifting from the "culture of now" to the "culture of when"

Shifting from the "culture of now" to the "culture of when"

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

Shifting from the "culture of now" to the "culture of when"

- Maintaining a healthy rhythm between work and life is difficult when your workplace has an addiction to what I call the culture of now. When someone has a question for you, they want an answer now. When you send an email, you want an answer now. When someone calls you, they want you to call them back now. This addiction to now is counter-productive. Expecting yourself to do multiple things at the same time increases mistakes, stress, and ironically, lost time. It's more productive to move to a culture of when. This means that whenever someone asks for something, we say, "When would you like me to get it to you?" Have a conversation as a team, and explore when is a reasonable response time to email and chat messages. Even if someone reaches your voice mail, rather than saying, "I'll return your call as soon as possible," provide a when to manage expectations, like, "I typically return my calls within three business…
