From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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Special considerations for students

Special considerations for students

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

Special considerations for students

- If you're going to school while working, finding balance can seem difficult. Perhaps you're also juggling your family's needs. The more major life roles you're playing at the same time, the more difficult balance becomes. Don't try to keep track of it all in your head. Use a calendar instead. Schedule everything that has a firm day and time. When are your classes? When is your job? When do you need to be a caregiver? Put it all on the calendar. Then look at what's left, the remaining gaps in your schedule. How much time will you take for yourself each day? I start here because this is often the most neglected aspect of being a student, but feeling that you're doing something for yourself will enhance your ability to pay attention in class and do the work you need to do. Then assess how much sleep you need. Healthy sleep habits are essential for a sharp mind and your best work. Try to sleep on the same schedule if…
