From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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What if I'm putting in extra time to get ahead in my career?

What if I'm putting in extra time to get ahead in my career?

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

What if I'm putting in extra time to get ahead in my career?

- Sometimes when someone wants to get ahead in their career they feel they need to put in extra time. Part of this could be due to a workplace culture that glorifies hustle. Other times it's because we've seen the example of someone else or the pressure is coming from ourselves. First, I want to offer this encouragement. I've seen many, many successful people who have grown in their career and achieved great things without the need to misbalance their life. In fact, those who maintain time balance are often the most successful. So let's shift your perspective just a bit. It's not the time you're putting in that's going to get you noticed. It's about the results that you achieve. Before you set the expectation you need to work late, ask yourself what result am I going to get this week? Maybe even a list with two answers, what's expected of me, and then how can I make it 5% better than expected. Then think about achieving…
