From the course: Balancing Work and Life

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What if my career demands that I'm always available?

What if my career demands that I'm always available?

From the course: Balancing Work and Life

What if my career demands that I'm always available?

- Some people work in highly interruption-driven careers. These positions may demand that you're always available. Examples include customer support or emergency services. Some may just be in fast-paced, competitive industries. If you are in a situation like this, a counterintuitive approach works best. Specifically, schedule less tasks in your day. Expect yourself to have less available scheduled time to do focused work. The goal is to create a lot of buffer space in your day which leaves room for interruptions. Buffer space is always helpful, but if you're in an interruptive career, it's essential, and you probably need a lot more than the average person, as much as 50 to 75% of your workday. By creating cushion and managing your expectations, you're leaving space to deal with interruptions when they occur. But when they don't occur, it will feel like you discovered bonus free time. Outside of work hours, there are a couple…
