From the course: Being Your Own Fierce Self-Advocate

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Harnessing your network

Harnessing your network

- We've all heard the conventional wisdom that who you know matters, but did you know tapping your network delivers big when asking for what you want? It doesn't matter if you're getting ready to advocate for a better performance review rating or an exciting new project. You improve your chances of getting what you're asking for when you consult the ultimate knowledge bank, other colleagues who've been there, done that, or no more than you about what you're asking for. So how can you start engaging your former and current colleagues to build a great case for what you need? I'll walk you through three advantages of tapping your network. With each benefit, I'll give you a critical question to ask your network so you're prepared next time you have an ask. The number one benefit of consulting your network is that you'll often get further validation to ask for what you want. When I was getting ready to ask for a flexible…
