From the course: Being Your Own Fierce Self-Advocate

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Intentionally using body language

Intentionally using body language

- You may have heard of a poker face before. You know, the face that poker players use so no one can tell what they're thinking so they don't give away how good or bad their hand is. Well the same thing goes in high stakes negotiations when you want to advocate for yourself. You've got to learn how to essentially have a poker face and to control which physical tells or body cues you're giving off. Don't worry, you can do this in any situation. I'm going to walk you through how to identify and embody physical tells that strengthen your ask or idea. That reinforce your message, not weaken it. The first physical tell is the way you enter the room. As you enter that room your body's already doing the talking for you. Try to literally hold your head high, walking in long confident strides. Smile to set a tone of warmth. Let's say you're getting ready to propose a bold new product idea to your manager. What you don't want to say…
