From the course: Being Your Own Fierce Self-Advocate

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Interrupting interruptions

Interrupting interruptions

- Imagine summoning the courage to share a new idea with your team. Not just any idea, one you're really passionate about, one you've been researching for weeks. You share your idea and just when you get to the good part, you're cut off. The conversation gets derailed, people forget what you were saying. Infuriating, right? Now this might seem like a universal gripe, something all of us experience, but research shows women are 33% more likely than men to be interrupted. Being a fierce self advocate isn't just about asking for what you need. It's about being confident addressing everyday slights like interruptions, behavior that diminishes you and your contribution. So let's talk through five tactics you can use when you're interrupted or talked over. This way, you can maintain your voice in any conversation. First, get an ally. Partner with a teammate or manager to call out not okay behavior, like interruptions.…
