From the course: Being Your Own Fierce Self-Advocate

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Making all your strengths visible

Making all your strengths visible

- Can I share an eye opener with you? I've interviewed 50 plus of the highest ranking women leaders over the years. You know what they told me? They didn't become leaders by hammering themselves for their weaknesses. No, they figured out early on what their signature strengths were, then they cultivated them into superpowers. And I think the same is true for you. No matter what you advocate for in your career, your unique set of strengths is your superpower. So how can you get clear on your strengths? The first thing I want you to do is to start a success log. This is a document or notepad where you give yourself credit for putting your strengths into action. You add wins and compliments, you could also add efficiencies you've created, revenue you've brought in, or difficult projects you completed that made a difference. Write them all down. This document keeps you honest about your positive accomplishments. It…
