From the course: Being Your Own Fierce Self-Advocate

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Organizations need to own up

Organizations need to own up

- Encouraging women to stand up for themselves is one thing, and of course, we all want to stand up for ourselves, but sometimes it's hard and we need help to make it happen. That's where organizations come in. It's important that our employers help create work cultures that are advocacy friendly. You know, where women can advocate for themselves without fear of backlash. Now's the time for companies to step up, but how can they do that? Well, here are two important plays companies can make. The first step is becoming more transparent as an organization. That means talking openly about things like pay or promotions so everyone knows where they stand and how to advance their careers. Here's an example, tech giant, Cisco, has created an online bank of organization wide projects and stretch opportunities that anyone can self-nominate for. Leaders are open about what projects are available and them post them for everyone to see.…
