From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Addressing logistics

Addressing logistics

I joined a new company as director of human resources and 2 hired my first new employee. 3 After a few days, the employee came to me and asked, so it's not a big 4 deal, but when am I getting paid? 5 Are we on a monthly system or bi-weekly or weekly? 6 I'm just trying to figure everything. 7 Okay. 8 Truth is that is a very big deal. 9 I realized the employee did not have the information and this was 10 causing them stress and anxiety. 11 And this brings me to another important aspect of onboarding new employees, 12 communicate the logistics while it is impossible to make an exhaustive list 13 of everything related to logistics. 14 Here are a few. 15 Must haves. 16 First address the, when, when are the working hours? 17 When's lunch. 18 How long is lunch? 19 When am I getting paid? 20 When do we have holidays? 21 When do my benefits start kicking in? 22 When am I fully vested in my 401k? 23 When can I ask, offer PTO? 24…
