From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Appointing office buddies

Appointing office buddies

The Gallup organization has told us repeatedly over their 30 years 2 of research that having a best friend is one of the biggest 3 determining factors of performance. 4 The Gallup organization tells us. 5 Those who have a best friend at work are seven times. 6 That's right. 7 Seven times as likely to be engaged in their jobs are 8 better at engaging customers. 9 Produce higher quality work, have higher well-being and are less 10 likely to get injured on the. 11 How can we foster best friendships at work? 12 Let's start in the onboarding process. 13 Pairing a new hire with an office. 14 Buddy is a good start while a mentor or a more tenured employee can act as a guide. 15 An office buddy, doesn't have a formal agenda of guiding a new 16 hire through the challenges of. 17 They are literally there to be friends and build connection and to hang out 18 the expectations of an office buddy is to welcome him or her their first day 19 to go…
