From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Avoiding mounds of paperwork

Avoiding mounds of paperwork

I came in to my first day of work on the new job, excited and nervous and 2 anxious to make a great new impression. 3 I walked in through the front door and was greeted by a mountain of paper. 4 For the next three hours of my first day, I spent filling out my I nine, my w 5 four, my emergency contact, my benefits, my compliance, my employee handbook. 6 I began to get writer's cramp. 7 In my hand, I felt like only those on the walk of fame had 8 to write this many autographs. 9 I was fatigued and exhausted, and I didn't want to look at another piece of data. 10 This was not a great first impression. 11 And while all of the paperwork needed to be completed, it brings me to 12 another important aspect of employee. 13 Have the employees fill out paperwork before they come in for their first 14 day, Cindy employee electronic versions of the online paperwork and give them 15 time to thoroughly read the information and digest the overload of…
