From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Communication in the process

Communication in the process

Communicate communicate again. 2 Communicate once more and see, it's impossible to over-communicate 3 onboarding processes. 4 Take time. 5 There are a lot of moving pieces and there are a lot of 6 questions about what is happening. 7 What's happened, what is going to happen, alleviate confusion, questions, and 8 anxiety to create an awesome experience by communicating expectations standards. 9 And what is. 10 How do you effectively onboard your new employee TA? 11 Tell the new hire what you are doing. 12 A new hire might think that you are ghosting them. 13 When in reality, you are waiting for their background check or 14 waiting for compensation approval. 15 All of this is fine, but if it is not communicated proactively, the new 16 hire could make incorrect assumptions that could bruise our relational. 17 Tell the new hire what to expect. 18 If you are going to be taking the picture for their employee, 19 badge that day, the let…
