From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Creating a portal

Creating a portal

Oftentimes new employees are thrown a massive amount of information. 2 In the first few days, it's nearly impossible to remember all of the ideas 3 and policies and procedures and people and rules and standards and processes. 4 Ah, I'm getting overwhelmed just thinking about it. 5 And this brings me to another aspect of onboarding, have a place to store 6 digital copies of all of the information. 7 Yes, address information and give logistical policy information from 8 the beginning, but also recognize that it will probably not all sink 9 in until the occasion arises that the policy is put into use for them. 10 According to talent, lift 43% of generation, Y doesn't 11 read their employee handbook. 12 Whenever it is given to. 13 Uh, 11% don't even open it, but when the time comes, when they need to 14 know a policy and a standard and a form, they will need to know where to. 15 So have an online digital version of your PTO forms, your employee…
