From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Department onboarding

Department onboarding

Onboarding in a small organization will look slightly different 2 than a larger organization. 3 Large organizations are large complex and multifaceted, and you probably 4 can't cover everything that you should in your overview onboarding 5 process with many new employees. 6 And this brings me to another aspect of onboarding that is especially 7 applicable to larger organizations. 8 Equip and prepare your managers and team leads to give department 9 and position onboarding. 10 I was working with a quickly growing company that had 11 more than 10,000 employees. 12 They had a time of organizational onboarding with all of the new employees 13 in an auditorium of about 75 new people. 14 This went over basic HR expectations and company. 15 It was after the initial onboarding that each of the employees went to 16 see their managers to receive further instruction and expectations about the 17 department, culture and standards here, the new…
