From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Discussing benefits

Discussing benefits

A major recruitment factor for many companies is the awesome benefits 2 that the organization can offer. 3 While this may have been discussed in the recruitment process now is the 4 time to put those benefits to work. 5 And this brings me to another important aspect of effective 6 onboarding address, the benefits. 7 Look at health benefits, such as medical, dental, and vision. 8 If a person has a family or dependence, communicate and answer questions 9 about how to best care for those in the household, if it fits the 10 employee's needs, there can be a lot of questions regarding health benefits. 11 So take the time to explain this. 12 Look at retirement benefits. 13 And explain if your company is a matching company, meaning that they 14 match employee investment in a 401k or a 4 0 3 V up to a certain percentage. 15 Answer questions about other deductions and investment options for your new home. 16 Other insurance, like accidental death can…
