From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Easily forgotten tasks

Easily forgotten tasks

First day of the job. 2 And I heard a timid, well, it's Casey, not Kasey. 3 I actually thought that I was working second shift. 4 I actually thought that this was a remote position. 5 Ooh, that's awkward. 6 And it brings me to another important aspect of effective onboarding for new 7 employees in the hustle of a new hire. 8 There are a few often neglected aspects of preparation for the new employee 9 before they arrive, which does include learning how to say their name. 10 Correct. 11 You should also have a desk and a place for them to sit, prepare an office space 12 for the new employee to begin work. 13 If your job requires office space, find space for them. 14 This alone is a powerful statement that says there's a place for you here on this. 15 Tell your current team members when to expect your new team members allow your 16 current team time to prepare to welcome the new team member and carve out a few 17 minutes in their day to…
