From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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First impressions

First impressions

You don't get a second chance at a first impression while it is true that 2 you have been making impressions and setting expectations throughout the 3 hiring and pre-onboarding process. 4 The first day on the job is when everything comes to fruition. 5 Here are a few ideas that you can use to make a great first impression. 6 You can allow the new hire to come in a little bit like. 7 This takes away the pressure of trying to figure out the new commute schedule 8 and allows them time in their new route. 9 This also gives them time to make sure that you have taken care 10 of any last minute preparations and welcome preparation. 11 When the new hire does come into the office, you can decorate their office. 12 Write them a welcome note, host, a welcome lunch or root beer floats or cupcakes. 13 Don't let this opportunity to increase engagement and buy into the company. 14 Culture pass. 15 Do not let the new person eat lunch. 16 You can also take…
