From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

The 4 C's

Wow. 2 There are a lot of different aspects of onboarding and it can be really 3 overwhelming, but I believe that a quality onboarding can be broken down 4 into four key digestible elements. 5 According to the human resources certification Institute, a quality 6 onboarding consists of the four CS. 7 What are the forces? 8 I'm glad that you asked a quality onboarding must include compliance. 9 This is a little bit more of logistics and information that a person needs 10 to actually do their job compliance. 11 Includes information about benefits, HR, where to park. 12 When is lunch? 13 What should I do? 14 And what should I not? 15 Do you get the picture? 16 A quality onboarding must also include clarification. 17 Let me clarify an effective onboarding. 18 We'll clarify the roles, responsibilities, expectations, 19 standards, and organizational goals. 20 There is a lot of uncertainty and questions when starting a new. 21 And that's expected and effective onboarding will seek to address 22 those uncertainties and clarify the fogginess of a new environment. 23 Furthermore, effective onboarding will include culture while we clarify 24 the expectations of the actual job. 25 We too often forget to introduce the work family and environment surrounding. 26 These are the informal and formal quirks and traditions that surround the new job. 27 Be intentional and get people on board with the culture of the team. 28 Lastly, make connections, be proactive in introducing your 29 new team member to the team. 30 Begin building relationships and building connections in the onboarding process. 31 Depending on the size and nature of your organization, onboarding 32 processes can seem overwhelming, but here's what I want you to do. 33 Break down your onboarding process and ask these four questions. 34 Did the new team member understand our compliance? 35 Are there uncertainties that have been clarifying? 36 Do they know our culture and have they made connections? 37 You are on your way to building an extraordinary onboarding process.
