From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

Time to onboard

If you clicked on this course, congratulations, your company is 2 expanding and capitalizing on new opportunities, which is a huge win. 3 This also means that in order to seize these opportunities, You've 4 got lots of new faces that will be joining you on this exciting journey. 5 They're eager to help your business succeed just as you are there to help them 6 as they come aboard because your employees are the people who will ultimately 7 take your company to new Heights. 8 It's important that they are set up for success from day one. 9 And even before that, if you can be. 10 My name is Amber Vanderberg and I'm an HR consultant and speaker. 11 I work with organizations around the globe, helping them to refine 12 their onboarding processes and set all of their new employees 13 up to succeed in this course. 14 I want to help you enable the people who are joining your organization to start 15 feeling valued and ready to crush it. 16 The moment they walk into the. 17 I'll share what you should include in your onboarding process that can 18 make or break an employee's experience and how you can empower them as 19 they start focusing on their task. 20 I'll also cover some procedural components of. 21 As well as some commonly forgotten items that you can ensure 22 don't fall through the cracks. 23 So if you're ready to help your new employees crush it, then come on. 24 Let's go.
