From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Types of orientations

Types of orientations

So when does school start? 2 Traditionally students will begin a program at the beginning of the fall 3 or spring semester with a cohort of students in the same program 4 and take a set number of courses in semesters that lasts about 16 weeks. 5 However, there are a growing number of programs that offer. 6 Anytime or start at the beginning of the month or self-paced anytime learning. 7 And these two options of start dates will significantly impact the onboarding and 8 the overall experience of the student. 9 These two options of cohort or waterfall start dates can 10 also apply to hiring dates. 11 And this brings me to another important aspect of onboarding new employees. 12 When you are going to set a start date, it's important to identify 13 if you want a cohort or a water. 14 A person that is hired into a cohort is brought in with other new hires. 15 Some companies offer a biweekly cert date while others offer a monthly cert date. 16…
