From the course: Building a Successful Onboarding Experience

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Unspoken rules

Unspoken rules

One of my very first consulting projects involved, a very inclusive 2 leader named Christie Christie was the gatekeeper of information, but 3 not the information that you think. 4 On our first day, she told me that we generally begin the project by going 5 out for ice cream and sharing a little bit about our strengths and weaknesses 6 and how we could best collaborate. 7 We spent a couple of hours assessing our new team dynamic so that we could 8 be best prepared to perform effectively. 9 She continued to coach me in the unspoken rules and practices. 10 We use a particular language and omitted certain language to ensure 11 that we were encouraging and uplifting. 12 We had an expectation of being generous in our feedback and 13 championing each other's success. 14 We all went to the food court and ate lunch together as a team, 15 unless there was a good reason. 16 We finished our days together as a team, and we started to ask what we could…
