From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Bleeding edge alert: Sparse linear methods (SLIM)

Bleeding edge alert: Sparse linear methods (SLIM) - Python Tutorial

From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

Bleeding edge alert: Sparse linear methods (SLIM)

- [Instructor] It's time for another bleeding edge alert! This is where we talk about some recent research that has promising results, but hasn't yet made it into the mainstream with recommender systems yet. In this bleeding edge alert, we're actually going back to the year 2011, to look at sparse linear methods, or SLIM for short. This came out of the University of Minnesota, which has been a pioneer in the field of recommender systems from the very beginning. The results from SLIM were very exciting and I don't know why we don't hear about it being used in industry more. It's something definitely worth watching and keeping an ear out for. What caught my attention with this paper is how consistently SLIM outperformed a wide variety of competing algorithms on a wide variety of datasets. Although they didn't include SVD++ in their comparisons, but they did compare against many similar algorithms. Also, they measured their success on hit rate, so their focus is very much on top-end…
