From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Case study: YouTube, part 1

Case study: YouTube, part 1

- [Instructor] Keeping with the theme of exploring real world lessons and recommender systems let's do a deeper dive into a couple of case studies from two of the best known recommender systems out there, YouTube and Netflix. Let's start with diving into how recommendations work with YouTube. YouTube is now owned by Google and given Google's obsession with deep learning it shouldn't surprise you that YouTube has gone all in with deep learning to power its recommendations. A nice thing about Google is that they publish a lot of their research and open-source a lot of their internal tools. As a business person I'd criticize them for enabling their competitors but as an educator I think this is a wonderful thing. They've made the paper, Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations freely available and it goes into quite a bit of detail on how YouTube recommendations work. Not only is this a treasure trove of insight for researchers and recommender systems but it also contains…
