From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Deep learning introduction

Deep learning introduction

- So we all know that artificial intelligence and deep learning with artificial neural networks are all the rage now. So it's not surprising that there's a lot of research around applying deep learning to recommender systems. Know something though? Matrix factorization can be implemented with a neural network. So we've already achieved a lot of the same results you can get through deep learning. It's just another way to implement the same thing. SVD seems spooky in how good it is in the same way that deep learning often seems spooky. And there's a very good reason for that. Both techniques can have the same results. But deep learning also opens up entirely new approaches to making recommendations that are worth exploring. A lot of this is still bleeding edge stuff. But it's where things are headed for the time being, so it's important to understand. But before we can understand how to apply deep learning and artificial neural networks to recommender systems, first we need to…
