From the course: Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI

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Get GRU4Rec working on your desktop

Get GRU4Rec working on your desktop

- GRU RNNs are a complicated piece. And building a GRU based recurrent neural network is actually a very complicated task as well. It would be crazy to try and write it from scratch if you don't have to. As with most scientific progress, you want to build upon the work of others whenever you can. Just don't cross the line of stealing someone else's work and calling it your own. So your challenge is to do exactly that. Build upon the work of others, and get a GRU RNN running on our MovieLens data. The authors of the paper published code along with it, but it was written in Theano, which is kind of like Tensorflow, but Tensorflow is what ultimately took off, not Theano. Even though the paper is only a couple of years old, a lot has changed in that time. So if you were to adapt the ideas on this paper to Tensorflow, you might have to learn Theano first and port everything over to Tensorflow. But it turns out, someone else has already done that too, and that's what this Bitly link will…
